Context Management Protocol

The with statement allows a sequence of statements to execute under the control of another object known as a context manager.

Callable Interface

An object can emulate a function by providing the call(self [,*args [, **kwargs]])method.

class DistanceFrom(object):
    def __init__(self, origin):
        self.origin = origin
    def __call__(self, x):
        return abs(x - self.origin)
nums = [1, 37, 101, -20, 9, 13]

Object String Representatin

__str__(self) create a simple string representation, called by the built-in str() function and by functions related to printing, user can customize the output(if undefined, use __repr__() instead)

__repr__(self) create a string representing the object, called by the built-in repr() function, if possible returns an expression string that can be evaluated to re-create the object, or returns a string in form “<…message…>”

a = [2,3,4] #create a list
a_restore = eval(repr(a)) # restore the list from the 'repr'

f = open("foo")
repr_str = repr(f) # can't re-create, return "<open file 'foo', mode 'r' at dc030>"

__format__(self, foramt_spec) create a formated representation

TODO not clear about this

Object Creation and Destruction

Built-in types for representing Program Structure

In Python, functions, classes, and modules are all objects that can be manipulated as data.

Callable Types objects that support function call operation

  1. User-Defined Function : objects created at the module level by using the def statement or with the lambdaoperator.

    def foo(x, y): return x+y bar = lambda x, y: x+y

  2. Method : Functions that are defined inside a class definition. There are three common types of methods—instance methods, class methods, and static methods:

    class Foo(object):

     def instance_mothod(self, arg):
     def class_method(cls, arg):
     def static_method(arg):
  3. Built-in Functions and Methods : functions and methods implemented in C and C++. like len() append()

Data Types


this null object None


int(32bit), long(unlimited range), float(64bit, IEEE 754), complex, bool



str, tuple, list

str and tuple are immutable, while list allow insertion, deletion and substitution

all support iteration

shared operations: s[i], s[i, j], len(s), max(s), min(s), all(s), any(s)

sum(s) sums items in s but only works for numeric data

for mutable list, can use del remove elements: del s[i:j]



key must be immutable


set, frozenset

items must be immutable

First-Class Objects

All objects in Python are “first class”, This means that all objects that can be named by an identifier have equal status. It also means that all objects that can be named can be treated as data.

items = {}
items['func'] = abs
import math
items['module'] = math
nums = [1, 2, 3]
items['append'] = nums.append

# Just use the value in dict
items['func'](-12) # output 12
items['module'].sqrt(100) # output 10.0
items['append'](4) # append '4' to nums

Reference Counting and Garbage Collection

All objects are reference-counted, An object’s reference count is increased whenever it’s assigned to a new name or placed in a container such as a list, tuple, or dictionary

An object’s reference count is decreased by the delstatement or whenever a reference goes out of scope (or is reassigned).

import sys ; sys.getrefcount(a)

Reference and Copies

Any thing in python is Object

reference copy -> shallow copy --> deep copy

For immutable objects, like numbers and strings, simple reference copy is ok:

a = 10
b = a # b also points to 10
a = 100 # change a, b will not be affected

But for normal objects, like containers or other mutable objects, there will be a ‘problem’:

a = [1,2]
b = a # make a reference copy of a
b[0] = 10 # change b, a will get affected which may not in your will

Then consider the ‘shallow copy’

a = [1,2, [3,4]]
b = list(a) # make a new list that contains all **objects** in a
b[0] = 10 # change immutable objects in b, a will not get affected
b[2][0] = 30 # change mutable objects in b, a will get affected

What if you want a completely copy than no one affects the other? use ‘Deep copy’

import copy
a = [1, 2, [3, 4]]
b = copy.deepcopy(a) # deep copy of a
b[2][0] = 30 # will not affect a

Compare Two objects

def compare(a, b): if a is b: # a and b are the same object pass if a == b: # a and b have the same value pass if typa(a) is type(b): # a and b have the same type pass if isinstance(a, b): # a and b have the same type, inheritance considered

lst = [u'\u00f1', u'\u00ff']
print lst # output not user friendly
print ','.join([i for i in lst])


In Python 2 string literals correspond to 8-bit character or byte-oriented data. A serious limitation of these strings is that they do not fully support international charac-ter sets and Unicode.To address this limitation, Python 2 uses a separate string type for Unicode data.To write a Unicode string literal, you prefix the first quote with the letter “u”. For example: s = u"Jalape\u00f1o"

In Python 3, this prefix character is unnecessary (and is actually a syntax error) as all strings are already Unicode. Python 2 will emulate this behavior if you run the inter-preter with the -Uoption (in which case all string literals will be treated as Unicode and the u prefix can be omitted).

TODO 比较上面二者的效率


  1. ''.join('a A c'.split())
  2. 'a A c'.replace(' ', '').replace('\n', '').replace('\t', '')

Basic Usage

#python code

f = open("d://test.txt", "w")
print >>f, "Write to file directly"
print >>f, "Formate output %2d-%0.3f" % (1, 1.2131)

# Simple iterate on any containers
for line in open("d://test.txt", "r"):
    print line

# terminate program
raise SystemExit(0) 


Any function that uses ‘yield’ statement

Calling a generator function cre-ates an object that produces a sequence of results through successive calls to a next() method

The next() call makes a generator function run until it reaches the next yield state-ment. At this point, the value passed to yield is returned by next(), and the function suspends execution.

def cntdown(n):
    while n>0:
        yield n
        yield '...'
        n -= 1
gen = cntdown(10)

for next in gen:
    print next

Generators are an extremely powerful way of writing programs based on processing pipelines, streams, or data flow.

This python version of grep is as follow:

def grep(lines, searchtext):
    for line in lines:
        if searchtext in line:
            yield line


Also a ‘Generator’, but it processes a sequence of inputs sent to it

It uses (yield) expression

def print_match(matchtext):
    print 'Looking for %s' % matchtext
    while True:
        line = (yield)
        if matchtext in line:
            print line
matcher = print_match('python')
matcher.send('python is coooooool')

Implementation of Set and Dict

Difference bettween str() vs repr()

Python re模块


1. 正则表达式语法


2. 模块内容


最基本的是re.compile(pattern, flats=0),该方法将正则表达式pattern编译成class re.RegexObjectRegexObject对象包括很多方法,包括:

  1. 查找方法search(string [, start_pos [, end_pos]]),在string中查找和正则表达式匹配的子串,找到了返回一个MatchObject,否则返回None
  2. 匹配方法match(string, [, start_pos [, end_pos]]),匹配string开头是否匹配正则表达式,如果匹配,返回这个MatchObject,否则返回None
  3. 切分方法split(string, max_split=0)
  4. 查找所有方法findall(string [, start_pos [, end_pos]]),以列表的形式,返回在string中匹配到的所有非重合子串
  5. 迭代查找所有方法finditer(string, start_pos [, end_pos]], Return an iterator yielding MatchObject instances over all non-overlapping matches for the RE pattern in string.
  6. 替换方法sub(replacement, string, count=0),将正则表达式在string中匹配到的非重复子串替换为replacement并返回,cont选项设置最大替换个数,默认0表示不限制
  7. 替换方法subn(replacement, string, count=0),和sub`类似,只是返回一个tuple(new_string, replace_count)


  1., string, flags=0)
  2., string, flags=0)
  3. re.match(pattern, string, flags=0)
  4. re.split(pattern, string, max_split=0, flags=0)
  5. re.findall(pattern, string, flags=0)
  6. re.finditer(pattern, string, flags=0)
  7. re.sub(pattern, repl, string, count=0, flags=0)
  8. re.subn(pattern, repl, string, count=0, flags=0)


  1. re.escape(string), 对string中的非字母数字进行转移(前面加上反斜杠)
  2. re.purge(),清空re的缓存


  1. re.DEBUG 这样会输出一些debug的信息
  2. re.I i.e. re.IGNORECASE 忽略大小写
  3. re.L i.e. re.LOCALE 本地化,使\w, \W, \b, \B, \s and \S匹配当前语言环境的字符
  4. re.M i.e. re.MULTILINE 使^,$分别匹配每行的开始和结束
  5. re.S i.e. re.DOTALL 使.匹配任意字符,默认情况下,.匹配除换行符外的字符
  6. re.U i.e. re.UNICODE 使\w, \W, \b, \B, \d, \D, \s and \S dependent on the Unicode character properties database.
  7. re.X i.e. re.VERBOSE 使正则表达式写起来更优雅,比如默认忽略空格,可以使用#添加注释


最重要的一个方法是group([group1, group2,...]),其中的参数有多种形式,直接是捕获组的ID,如group(2),也可以是几个组ID,group(1,3),如果有命名捕获组,可以是捕获组的名字,group("name")



  1. 官方文档很好的

install numpy on windows

just use exe installer

easy_install & pip to install python packages

file encoding etc.

Rather than mess with the encode, decode methods I find it easier to use the open method from the codecs module.

import codecs
f ="test", "wr", "utf-8")
var = u'test:\u7b2c1\u9875:\u9664\u4e86\u623f\u8fd8\u662f\u623f'

